HUBUNGI 0818157018 / 021-92159517 Bungaran Simanjuntak

PENJUALAN HINO,,, TELENGKAP DAN TERCEPAT SERTA MELAYANI SEMUA JENIS HINO """"""PROMO HINO ...!! Cukup DP Paket, Anda sudah bisa membawa pulang DUTRO plus Bak Kayu, Dump, Tangki, Bak Besi atau Box. Proses sangat Cepat dan Mudah. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan secara Cash dan Kredit. Hubungi PT.BINTANG TIMUR MALLASAK ,PHONE:021-84976304 Fax :02184976257 HP:0818157018/ 02192159517 Email:bintangtimurmallasak@yahoo.com
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
Hino Truck Scania
Hino Scania Truck Review
By Shiotsu
Hino Motors, Japan released Hino Scania series of heavy duty semi-tractors in collaboration with Scania of Sweden in 2005. The new Hino Scania tractors were designed to comply with Japanese as well as European motor laws and regulations.
Hino Scania Truck
Review Centre, an independent agency for reviewing cars and trucks gave a 10/10 rating in their Hino Scania Truck Review. Reported ratings were as follows.
Average Ratings Value for Money 8/10
Reviewer Rating 10/10
Overall Rating 4.8/10
This Japanese truck from Hino Japan was ranked high by the reviewers for several reasons. The main factors are as follows.
* Low level of fuel consumption leading to Eco-driving
* Safety features such as Electronic Brake System, Electronic Vehicle Stability
* Improved riding comfort to the driver because of ergonomic design of the cabin and controls
* Reduced maintenance costs due to low wear and tear of parts
* Improved driver visibility by additional cabin height and new headlamps
* Improved environmental performance by compliance with the New Short-term Exhaust Emission laws
It is no wonder that Hino Scania trucks are fast replacing Volvo and Mercedes Benz trucks in Europe. If you are interested in importing used Hino trucks from Japan, please let us know your requirements and we can find a matching truck from Japanese used truck auctions.
Technorati Tags: Hino Scania, Japanese truck, used Hino trucks, Japanese, used truck auctions
This entry is filed under Truck Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
By Shiotsu
Hino Motors, Japan released Hino Scania series of heavy duty semi-tractors in collaboration with Scania of Sweden in 2005. The new Hino Scania tractors were designed to comply with Japanese as well as European motor laws and regulations.
Hino Scania Truck
Review Centre, an independent agency for reviewing cars and trucks gave a 10/10 rating in their Hino Scania Truck Review. Reported ratings were as follows.
Average Ratings Value for Money 8/10
Reviewer Rating 10/10
Overall Rating 4.8/10
This Japanese truck from Hino Japan was ranked high by the reviewers for several reasons. The main factors are as follows.
* Low level of fuel consumption leading to Eco-driving
* Safety features such as Electronic Brake System, Electronic Vehicle Stability
* Improved riding comfort to the driver because of ergonomic design of the cabin and controls
* Reduced maintenance costs due to low wear and tear of parts
* Improved driver visibility by additional cabin height and new headlamps
* Improved environmental performance by compliance with the New Short-term Exhaust Emission laws
It is no wonder that Hino Scania trucks are fast replacing Volvo and Mercedes Benz trucks in Europe. If you are interested in importing used Hino trucks from Japan, please let us know your requirements and we can find a matching truck from Japanese used truck auctions.
Technorati Tags: Hino Scania, Japanese truck, used Hino trucks, Japanese, used truck auctions
This entry is filed under Truck Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
Hino FS 700 Series
A council in regional Queensland has taken delivery of the first two Euro 5 FS 700 Series Hino trucks ordered in Australia.
Hino Australia met the January 1 introduction of the Australian Design Rule 80/03 (ADR 80/03) for vehicle emissions, commonly known as Euro 5, by making only minimal changes to the design and operation of its full range of light, medium and heavy duty trucks.
The Cassowary Coast Regional Council selected FS 2844 700 Series Hino trucks with air suspension and fitted with rigid tippers and dog trailers.
This regional council is comprised of the former shires of Cardwell and Johnstone that includes Innisfail, Tully, Cardwell and Hinchinbrook Island, which were all significantly impacted by Cyclone Yasi.
The council’s Co-ordinator Fleet and Business Services Paul Valente said these two trucks will join a fleet of 15 trucks used to carry out a variety of jobs, including road construction and waste removal.
“There has obviously been a very large clean-up and we have been using the fleet for a lot of clearing work post-cyclone Yasi.”
He said these Hino trucks met his requirements for performance features, cost and local content.
The tipper body and hydraulics, and the dog trailers, are locally supplied and fitted.
Pacific Hino Cairns supplied the trucks and sales executive Mike Grant facilitated their prompt delivery.
“Hino Australia’s ability to deliver within my expected timeframe was also a big part of my decision to purchase these trucks,” Mr Valente said.
Hino Australia divisional manager Product Strategy and Development, Alex Stewart, said Hino's transition to Euro 5 for its 700 Series medium and heavy duty trucks had been simple and straightforward.
“The 700 Series required only minor modifications and changes to exhaust treatment systems to meet the Euro 5 standard."
He said the introduction of ADR 80/03 would lead to the trucks on Australian roads being among the cleanest in the world.
"Hino has long been a leader in developing truck and bus technologies for safeguarding the environment and improving fuel efficiencies.
"It has also been dedicated to improving safety and ease of operation of the vehicles," Mr Stewart said.
The FS 700 Series Hino models are equipped with 18-speed RTLO Eaton transmissions and Hendrickson (HAS) air bag rear suspension.
A council in regional Queensland has taken delivery of the first two Euro 5 FS 700 Series Hino trucks ordered in Australia.
Hino Australia met the January 1 introduction of the Australian Design Rule 80/03 (ADR 80/03) for vehicle emissions, commonly known as Euro 5, by making only minimal changes to the design and operation of its full range of light, medium and heavy duty trucks.
The Cassowary Coast Regional Council selected FS 2844 700 Series Hino trucks with air suspension and fitted with rigid tippers and dog trailers.
This regional council is comprised of the former shires of Cardwell and Johnstone that includes Innisfail, Tully, Cardwell and Hinchinbrook Island, which were all significantly impacted by Cyclone Yasi.
The council’s Co-ordinator Fleet and Business Services Paul Valente said these two trucks will join a fleet of 15 trucks used to carry out a variety of jobs, including road construction and waste removal.
“There has obviously been a very large clean-up and we have been using the fleet for a lot of clearing work post-cyclone Yasi.”
He said these Hino trucks met his requirements for performance features, cost and local content.
The tipper body and hydraulics, and the dog trailers, are locally supplied and fitted.
Pacific Hino Cairns supplied the trucks and sales executive Mike Grant facilitated their prompt delivery.
“Hino Australia’s ability to deliver within my expected timeframe was also a big part of my decision to purchase these trucks,” Mr Valente said.
Hino Australia divisional manager Product Strategy and Development, Alex Stewart, said Hino's transition to Euro 5 for its 700 Series medium and heavy duty trucks had been simple and straightforward.
“The 700 Series required only minor modifications and changes to exhaust treatment systems to meet the Euro 5 standard."
He said the introduction of ADR 80/03 would lead to the trucks on Australian roads being among the cleanest in the world.
"Hino has long been a leader in developing truck and bus technologies for safeguarding the environment and improving fuel efficiencies.
"It has also been dedicated to improving safety and ease of operation of the vehicles," Mr Stewart said.
The FS 700 Series Hino models are equipped with 18-speed RTLO Eaton transmissions and Hendrickson (HAS) air bag rear suspension.
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
HINO 300 Series
If your only objective was to haul loads, there would be no reason to select this truck. This truck
delivers low emission levels and environmental compliance in addition to superior economic efficiency
through reduced fuel consumption. Its compartment was designed from the perspective of preventing
accidents from occurring. It is also fitted with many safety functions just in case an accident does
occur. Its beautiful styling will be a fitting face for your company and its nimble suspension will
improve the quality of your transportation operations. And because this truck satisfies the various
needs of our times at a high level, it is worthy of your choice. HINO, maker of the best trucks on the
market, has infused its philosophy and technology into its trucks regardless of their size, from
heavy- and medium-duty trucks to light-duty trucks. This philosophy also lives on in the HINO 300
series that we introduce here. This is HINO’s solution to providing a smart, easy-to-use, clean and
functional vehicle in the category of light-duty trucks. When you select a truck of this series, your
days of “delivering new joy” will begin.
delivers low emission levels and environmental compliance in addition to superior economic efficiency
through reduced fuel consumption. Its compartment was designed from the perspective of preventing
accidents from occurring. It is also fitted with many safety functions just in case an accident does
occur. Its beautiful styling will be a fitting face for your company and its nimble suspension will
improve the quality of your transportation operations. And because this truck satisfies the various
needs of our times at a high level, it is worthy of your choice. HINO, maker of the best trucks on the
market, has infused its philosophy and technology into its trucks regardless of their size, from
heavy- and medium-duty trucks to light-duty trucks. This philosophy also lives on in the HINO 300
series that we introduce here. This is HINO’s solution to providing a smart, easy-to-use, clean and
functional vehicle in the category of light-duty trucks. When you select a truck of this series, your
days of “delivering new joy” will begin.
Hino News
(Informasi) Hino Green Fund mulai meminta penerima hibah untuk FY2012 [Hino Green Fund]
Pada tanggal 18 Mei Hino Green Fund (HGF), suatu kepentingan publik yang didirikan asosiasi, telah mulai meminta penerima hibah untuk FY2012 (* 1) antara organisasi, kelompok, dan individu yang bekerja di bidang pelestarian lingkungan.
Untuk sekitar 20 tahun sejak didirikan pada tahun 1991 melalui investasi oleh Hino Motors, Ltd, HGF telah memberikan dukungan untuk "kegiatan penghijauan lingkungan" dan promosi "kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan." Dalam FY2012, melalui kegiatan berkelanjutan bantuan, HGF berkomitmen untuk bekerja menuju pencapaian tujuan yang ditetapkan dalam prinsip-prinsip dasar pendirian dana's - ". Keharmonisan antara masyarakat dan lingkungan"
HGF menerima otorisasi kepentingan publik pada tanggal 1 April 2011 dan kini telah menjadi sebuah asosiasi kepentingan publik yang didirikan (* 2).
* 1: 2011 April-Maret 2012
* 2: ". UU Kuasa Incorporated Kepentingan Umum Asosiasi dan Kepentingan Umum Yayasan Incorporated" Sebuah asosiasi yang didirikan yang telah memenuhi semua kriteria untuk otorisasi kepentingan umum yang diatur dalam
[Masuk pedoman]
1. Grant kelayakan
1) Pelaksanaan penanaman pohon dan vegetasi yang menguntungkan pelestarian lingkungan.
2) Konservasi lingkungan alam.
3) penelitian Investigasi yang kondusif bagi konservasi lingkungan alam.
4) Pelaksanaan kegiatan membangun kesadaran pendidikan dan yang menguntungkan pelestarian lingkungan.
(1) Kegiatan untuk tujuan, atau dengan kemungkinan kuat koneksi ke, mendapatkan keuntungan.
(2) Kegiatan semata-mata untuk tujuan mengadakan pertemuan, melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri atau membeli peralatan dan / atau fasilitas.
(3) Pembelian atau sewa peralatan, fasilitas, dll, hanya untuk tujuan kenyamanan para pendukung kegiatan.
(4) Kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan disertasi gelar akademis atau penelitian pribadi lainnya.
(5) Aktivitas dianggap sebuah kegemaran ketat.
(6) Aktivitas tidak memenuhi ketentuan pedoman masuk dan formulir aplikasi.
2. memenuhi syarat untuk menerima hibah Orang
1) Individu, organisasi, kelompok, dll, yang melaksanakan kegiatan atau penelitian yang disebutkan di atas.
2) kualifikasi Pemohon
Kegiatan (1) harus berbasis di Jepang.
(2) Jika organisasi, itu harus pada prinsipnya memiliki latar belakang minimal dua tahun serta catatan kegiatan masa lalu.
(3) Aplikasi harus ditulis dalam bahasa Jepang.
3. Jumlah Grant
Jumlah total kegiatan sekitar 7,5 juta Yen (tentatif)
4. Periode Grant
November 1, 2011 - 31 Oktober 2012
5. Metode entri
Silahkan download formulir aplikasi (Excel file) di situs Green Hino Fund baik dalam entri data pada layar atau versi tulisan tangan, masukkan informasi yang diperlukan dan kirimkan formulir ke alamat yang diberikan di bawah ini.
Catatan: Perlu diketahui bahwa formulir aplikasi terdiri dari dua halaman.
HGF website, informasi hibah (Bahasa Jepang saja)
6. Entry periode
18 Mei - 31 Juli Januari 2011 (cap pos selambat-lambatnya hari terakhir)
7. Grant penerima finalisasi
1) Metode Screening
Pemohon penyaringan akan dilakukan oleh Komite Screening, keputusan akhir akan dibuat dengan persetujuan Dewan Pengawas dan setiap pelamar akan diberitahu hasil secara tertulis.
2) Penting poin di penyaringan
Seleksi akan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan persyaratan yang diberikan di bawah ini sesuai dengan tema proyek.
(1) Kegiatan hibah
a) kegiatan itu sendiri didukung oleh banyak orang dan hasilnya dapat secara luas bersama.
b) Kegiatan ini didasarkan pada konsep fleksibel atau ide yang tidak terhalang oleh cara berpikir konvensional dan aktif dan kreatif di alam.
c) Kegiatan ini memiliki arti penting yang mencerminkan wawasan internasional yang luas.
d) Penyusunan dan pelepasan catatan kegiatan sebagai masa kini akan menjadi dorongan penting di masa depan baik untuk kelompok yang terlibat dan untuk masyarakat.
e) Rencana aktivitas spesifik dan sumber daya manusia, informasi, dll, yang dibutuhkan untuk mengimplementasikan rencana yang bisa diamankan.
f) sumber daya manusia yang tepat yang terlibat dalam produksi rekaman kegiatan bisa diamankan.
(2) Penelitian hibah
a) konsep unik.
b) Penelitian ini visioner dan memiliki pandangan jauh ke depan relatif terhadap masyarakat.
c) Pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah tepat waktu.
d) Ada kebutuhan untuk bantuan sektor swasta.
e) Program ini layak.
(3) hibah Publikasi
a) kandungan saat ini dalam keadaan penyelesaian umum dan versi lengkap dapat disampaikan dengan hanya revisi minor.
b) Umum kesepakatan telah dicapai dengan perusahaan penerbitan mengenai rencana publikasi.
c) Hal ini sepenuhnya niat untuk memungkinkan sejumlah besar pembaca untuk membaca publikasi dengan bunga.
d) memiliki arti sebagai ilmu pengetahuan alam atau manusia dan tidak diragukan lagi dalam konten.
Jual Hino Semua Jenis
Dapat Semua Kebutuhan Hino Anda Di Sini,,,,,,
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Jual Hino Dutro
Promo Hino Dutro 2011
Dapatkan Promo Hino Dutro ,,,Proses Cepat & Terjamin
Cash & Kredit,,,,
Data , Aplikasi & Leasing Dibantu,,,,,,,
www.hinobintang.blogspot.comHubungi : 0818157018 / 02192159517 (Bungaran )
Dapatkan Promo Hino Dutro ,,,Proses Cepat & Terjamin
Cash & Kredit,,,,
Data , Aplikasi & Leasing Dibantu,,,,,,,
www.hinobintang.blogspot.comHubungi : 0818157018 / 02192159517 (Bungaran )
Hino Buss News
Hino siap meluncurkan bus mewah pada bulan April setelah penundaan homologasiBus akan diimpor dalam bentuk semi-knocked-down dari Thailand dan dirakit di Mohali oleh JCBL India
Mumbai: Kendaraan produsen Hino Motors Sales India Pvt. Ltd akan mulai menjual antar kota yang bus mewah dari bulan April setelah tertunda empat bulan, seorang pejabat perusahaan tersebut.
Usaha patungan antara Hino Motors Ltd, lengan kendaraan komersial Toyota Motor Corp, dan perdagangan perusahaan Jepang Marubeni Corp harus menunda peluncuran perusahaan Desember karena adanya keterlambatan dalam proses homologasi disebut, kata Amol J. Sandil, eksekutif wakil presiden, Hino Motors Sales India.
Homologasi adalah proses sertifikasi untuk kendaraan yang diimpor untuk memastikan hal ini layak jalan dan cocok dengan kriteria pemerintah.
"Kita harus telah menjual sedikitnya 20 bus sekarang," kata Sandil.
Hino berencana untuk impor bus dalam bentuk semi-knocked-down dari Thailand pabrik perusahaan orangtua. JCBL India Pvt. Ltd, sebuah bangunan pelatih perusahaan di Mohali, pinggiran kota Chandigarh, akan merakit bus.
Sandil mengatakan perusahaan berencana untuk memperkenalkan sampai dengan 20 unit awalnya, dan impor lebih tergantung pada respon.
Peluncuran ini akan menempatkan Hino di jajaran produsen global dan luar negeri seperti Volvo India Pvt. Ltd, Mercedes-Benz India Pvt. Ltd, Tata Motors Ltd dan Ashok Leyland Ltd yang meningkat kehadiran mereka di segmen pelatih India mewah.
Sandil mengharapkan segmen, yang saat ini menjual 1,200-1,500 unit per tahun, tumbuh menjadi 5.000 unit pada 2014. Segmen bis antar kota didominasi oleh Volvo, yang terjual 120 unit di tahun 2009.
Pemerintah Highway Program Pembangunan Nasional telah memberikan dorongan untuk melakukan perjalanan jarak jauh melalui jalan darat. Bus pembuat meluncurkan model high-end yang menawarkan kenyamanan yang lebih besar, untuk mengambil keuntungan dari konektivitas ditingkatkan.
V.G. Ramakrishnan, direktur senior (otomotif dan transportasi) di perusahaan riset dan konsultan Frost dan Sullivan India, mengatakan sementara laju pembangunan infrastruktur akan menjadi penting untuk segmen ini, "faktor keterjangkauan akan melebihi istirahat" sebagai kereta api adalah pesaing yang kuat atas rute.
Hino Motors memulai usahanya India pada 2008. Saat ini menjual FL8J dan model chassis FM8J, yang dapat digunakan untuk mengangkut kargo berat dan dalam tippers digunakan oleh sektor pertambangan dan konstruksi. Hino Motors tidak memiliki fasilitas perakitan di India dan bergantung pada perusahaan perakitan pihak ketiga.
Sandil mengakui penjualan truk-180 unit sejak diluncurkan pada bulan November-telah lambat. hinobintang.blogspot.com dalam permintaan lebih besar dari trailer traktor digunakan untuk mengangkut kargo berat.
"Kami sedang dalam proses perencanaan ulang bauran produk," katanya, seraya menambahkan bahwa Hino India sekarang akan berfokus pada aplikasi tipper. Sebuah penurunan permintaan dari Andhra Pradesh, yang diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu pasar utama perusahaan, juga alasan untuk volume truk tidak menangkap, katanya.
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