PENJUALAN HINO,,, TELENGKAP DAN TERCEPAT SERTA MELAYANI SEMUA JENIS HINO """"""PROMO HINO ...!! Cukup DP Paket, Anda sudah bisa membawa pulang DUTRO plus Bak Kayu, Dump, Tangki, Bak Besi atau Box. Proses sangat Cepat dan Mudah. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan secara Cash dan Kredit. Hubungi PT.BINTANG TIMUR MALLASAK ,PHONE:021-84976304 Fax :02184976257 HP:0818157018/ 02192159517 Email:bintangtimurmallasak@yahoo.com
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
Hino FS 700 Series
A council in regional Queensland has taken delivery of the first two Euro 5 FS 700 Series Hino trucks ordered in Australia.
Hino Australia met the January 1 introduction of the Australian Design Rule 80/03 (ADR 80/03) for vehicle emissions, commonly known as Euro 5, by making only minimal changes to the design and operation of its full range of light, medium and heavy duty trucks.
The Cassowary Coast Regional Council selected FS 2844 700 Series Hino trucks with air suspension and fitted with rigid tippers and dog trailers.
This regional council is comprised of the former shires of Cardwell and Johnstone that includes Innisfail, Tully, Cardwell and Hinchinbrook Island, which were all significantly impacted by Cyclone Yasi.
The council’s Co-ordinator Fleet and Business Services Paul Valente said these two trucks will join a fleet of 15 trucks used to carry out a variety of jobs, including road construction and waste removal.
“There has obviously been a very large clean-up and we have been using the fleet for a lot of clearing work post-cyclone Yasi.”
He said these Hino trucks met his requirements for performance features, cost and local content.
The tipper body and hydraulics, and the dog trailers, are locally supplied and fitted.
Pacific Hino Cairns supplied the trucks and sales executive Mike Grant facilitated their prompt delivery.
“Hino Australia’s ability to deliver within my expected timeframe was also a big part of my decision to purchase these trucks,” Mr Valente said.
Hino Australia divisional manager Product Strategy and Development, Alex Stewart, said Hino's transition to Euro 5 for its 700 Series medium and heavy duty trucks had been simple and straightforward.
“The 700 Series required only minor modifications and changes to exhaust treatment systems to meet the Euro 5 standard."
He said the introduction of ADR 80/03 would lead to the trucks on Australian roads being among the cleanest in the world.
"Hino has long been a leader in developing truck and bus technologies for safeguarding the environment and improving fuel efficiencies.
"It has also been dedicated to improving safety and ease of operation of the vehicles," Mr Stewart said.
The FS 700 Series Hino models are equipped with 18-speed RTLO Eaton transmissions and Hendrickson (HAS) air bag rear suspension.
A council in regional Queensland has taken delivery of the first two Euro 5 FS 700 Series Hino trucks ordered in Australia.
Hino Australia met the January 1 introduction of the Australian Design Rule 80/03 (ADR 80/03) for vehicle emissions, commonly known as Euro 5, by making only minimal changes to the design and operation of its full range of light, medium and heavy duty trucks.
The Cassowary Coast Regional Council selected FS 2844 700 Series Hino trucks with air suspension and fitted with rigid tippers and dog trailers.
This regional council is comprised of the former shires of Cardwell and Johnstone that includes Innisfail, Tully, Cardwell and Hinchinbrook Island, which were all significantly impacted by Cyclone Yasi.
The council’s Co-ordinator Fleet and Business Services Paul Valente said these two trucks will join a fleet of 15 trucks used to carry out a variety of jobs, including road construction and waste removal.
“There has obviously been a very large clean-up and we have been using the fleet for a lot of clearing work post-cyclone Yasi.”
He said these Hino trucks met his requirements for performance features, cost and local content.
The tipper body and hydraulics, and the dog trailers, are locally supplied and fitted.
Pacific Hino Cairns supplied the trucks and sales executive Mike Grant facilitated their prompt delivery.
“Hino Australia’s ability to deliver within my expected timeframe was also a big part of my decision to purchase these trucks,” Mr Valente said.
Hino Australia divisional manager Product Strategy and Development, Alex Stewart, said Hino's transition to Euro 5 for its 700 Series medium and heavy duty trucks had been simple and straightforward.
“The 700 Series required only minor modifications and changes to exhaust treatment systems to meet the Euro 5 standard."
He said the introduction of ADR 80/03 would lead to the trucks on Australian roads being among the cleanest in the world.
"Hino has long been a leader in developing truck and bus technologies for safeguarding the environment and improving fuel efficiencies.
"It has also been dedicated to improving safety and ease of operation of the vehicles," Mr Stewart said.
The FS 700 Series Hino models are equipped with 18-speed RTLO Eaton transmissions and Hendrickson (HAS) air bag rear suspension.
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